posture Posts

6 Exercises to Improve Posture

By Alex Soto on 12/16/2022
When you sit down, do you notice that you tend to slump forward? Do you have trouble maintaining a straight posture when you stand? If this is the case, it is possible that you have poor posture.

To put it another way, poor posture is when you are hunched over or leaning forward from a vertical position. If you think of a plumb line that is dropped from the ceiling to the floor, it should run through your ear, shoulder, and hip bone, and just in front of your outer ankle if you are standing straight and upright. If you are not standing straight and upright, the plumb line will not run through any of these points.

If you have the correct sitting posture, the plumb line will pass across your ear, shoulder, and hip as it goes from side to side.